The topic of prayer is pretty vast and diverse. It's often best to work specifically with a Church or organisation to help find out their needs and tailor topics accordingly, rather than bringing a set programme that might miss the mark. 

All teaching and workshops include practical application, because prayer is caught and not just taught. 

Here is a reference from a recent workshop at a staff retreat last year; 

'Urban Saints is a Christian disciple-making movement for young people. At the start of each year we run a weekend for our leaders and their families to rest and refocus on God, and be refueled by the Holy Spirit.  We have been privileged to have Helen come and lead several workshops focussing on our personal and collective walk with Christ.  They have always been very well received by all who were there, as she explored with us different paths to growing our relationship with God, through practical approaches such as creating time for quiet peaceful spaces and Bible meditation. ' Graham Jewhurst, Urban Saints Ireland

Some of the regular prayer topics I cover are:

Listening to God 

Awareness of God

Praying with Scripture

Praying Outloud/ Praying with others

Guidance and Seeking His Face

Prayer Ministry/ Intercession groups

Prayer Practices

Please call or email directly for any specific enquiries.