My Father's House is a Prayer and Retreat Ministry seeking to encourage and inspire believers in their personal relationship with God. Prayer is often a part of faith that we struggle with, or long to be better at. My Father's House aims to offer companionship in that journey, by facilitating space for refreshment and helping people to find personal prayer practices that will lead them closer to God.
Internal transformation is God's responsibility, but it can only happen when we intentionally play our part in remaining connected to God. This is what it means to be an apprentice of Jesus, to talk with him, work with him, learn his ways. We all need to grow in our ability to remain and abide with Jesus. It's as we abide, that God does the internal work of producing in us good fruit.
My Father's House is based in the beautiful North Coast of Northern Ireland and works both in person and online, with individuals, groups and churches. This is done in a variety of ways through hosting workshops on prayer, prayer gatherings, leading retreats, one to one spiritual guidance and specific prayer training for Christian ministries.
The name of this ministry comes from Jesus clearing the temple (John 2:16). He longed that his Father's House would be known as a House of Prayer for all Nations and that no one would be hindered from coming to God. This reflects the heart of my ministry too, that everyone would find a living connection with God in prayer. My Father's House therefore, is simply a ministry hoping to make prayer accessible to all. Young and old, beginners and the more mature, the curious, the sceptics and the saints!
I founded My Father's House in 2017, after gaining experience in Coleraine House of Prayer from 2011 until it closed in 2014 and then for several years as Prayer Co-ordinator for Coleraine Street Pastors. My Father's House started as a drop in prayer room in the heart of Coleraine. I also worked with local churches and ministries, offering prayer ministry and facilitated prayer gatherings. However the 2020 pandemic forced me to close the physical prayer room. It soon became apparent that God was using this time to reshape the ministry, so I haven't returned to a physical building. I trained as a Spiritual Director in the Ignatian tradition which has also brought new opportunities, adding Spiritual Accompaniment and Individual Guided Retreats to the ministry.