What is Spiritual Accompaniment and why do I need it?

Spiritual Accompaniment is also often called Spiritual DIrection,  but this term can cause confusion, because there is no 'directing' involved! A Spiritual Accompanier or Director is primarily there to listen, to ask questions that might help you find God for yourself. 

It is a ministry has been around for a very long time, as far back as Celtic Christianity in Ireland. Today it is more well known in Anglican or Catholic denominations than Evangelical ones. Often it can be found on offer at monasteries and retreat centres.

A Spiritual Accompanier is someone who has trained in this role, usually for 2 years, so always feel free to ask about their qualifications. 

It is best practiced face to face but can be done online if a person is not local. 

The disciples on the Emmaus Road,  walking together, trying to make sense of what had just happened is a lovely illustration of Spiritual Accompaniment. In accompaniment, we talk and question together and as we do so, we remember Jesus is with us. He is often unseen to begin with, but then shows up in the most unexpected of places. 

I've trained in the Ignatian Tradition. I am registered as an Associate of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre in Glasgow.

For further details, please download this leaflet: 

What is Spiritual Accompaniment.pdf

Accompaniment in person is currently based in the Sandel Centre in Coleraine. For more information or to discuss availability please email myfathershouse.coleraine@gmail.com or phone 07714101596